
Showing posts from July, 2020

Full Circle!

 The Auset Fronds has come full circle. She is practically how she was before being dropped. The difference is she has been constructed way better, which also makes her even stronger. I finally figured out what works and stuck with it. There was always a little voice lurking behind me saying, I really don't know about this? Thinking it's a stupid idea. I'm so glad I stuck it out. For a second there was some doubt about my technique making any sense. I've discovered that designing anything tests your confidence. People was saying to have the design patented, but I can't do that until the boat is in the water and is functional. She has to be able to float and move evenly through the water. She still has a ways to go before that happens.


 For the past two years and a half, I been exploring different designs as I was experimenting with palm tree fronds. After much trials, errors and a total disappointment when The Auset Fronds came apart after dropping her, the final design is coming together. I am using a bonding material that is very strong. Once two two pieces are joined together using the adhesive, it's not easy to pull them apart. It's a feeling of unbelievable accomplishment to see something being created by you, in front of your very eyes.  I have to constantly fight my impatience of  going through the process of building each section I'm working on. I'm being very careful not to hastily join pieces together so they won't be sloppy and poorly done. This time I'm paying close attention to how I am building up the hull. Doing this I am now seeing some real unimaginable results. The boat is coming into an actual shape that I didn't plan. The material are forming themselves, and I a...

A Matter Of Time!

 It's amazing how far you came from where you started from. To see that you're actually accomplishing your goal. This is truly a WOW moment! Even though you know that there's a better way of designing your creation, for the moment it's as good as it can get. It's when things are truly coming together. Trial and error lets you know what works and what doesn't. When you're working with natural material, if you don't bend it to your will, it can become quite a challenge. How to make the material do what you want requires you to be really creative and innovated.  Becoming familiar with the materials behavior plays a role in determining how it will function. It shows the weakness and strength of the material being used. Patience in the process can never be over emphasized.

My Mind's Eye!

 You start out with one idea, and turn around to do something totally different than what you originally intended on doing. In the case of working with fronds, they sort of in a way dictate how things will turn out. Either there's not enough of a particular frond or they just don't conform to the design you want to incorporate them in. Nevertheless, eventually things have a way of coming together. The key is to not give in to that tiny voice that says, "how stupid this idea is." Even if you think it is to the very end. Patience in the process reaps a well deserved reward through completion.