
Showing posts from February, 2020


 This is what I been doing for the last couple of months. There are always constant trial and errors in the process of creating a prototype. Well for me this boat is my prototype because I haven't seen anybody attempt to build out of the material I've been experimenting with.  After the Auset Fronds original design got extremely heavy, I wound up loosing the grip I had on it, when I was attempting to lift the vessel. I wasn't able to get her back right side up, so I started taking her apart. After much frustration, I started working on this new design, which was actually way easier because I spent the last two years experimenting with the materials. I was able to see what works and what doesn't in the process. This time around, I'm working towards keeping the boat close as possible to a basic true boat design. There will not be any extensive layering, only shaping the contours of the hull. Less will be way more in this case.