
Showing posts from July, 2018

Not Much!

 I tied down loose fronds on both ends of the boat. I also cleaned out more debris that I was still finding in between the fronds. We been having a showering down pour  just about everyday for the past month. The twine that the fronds were tied down with rotted due to it being constantly getting wet. It's really not all that of a big problem because I'll be adding more fronds that have notches on them once I'm able to buy some wood glue. Hopefully it won't rain again allowing the fronds to dry out completely. The fronds still got wet even after covering the boat with a  sail. I'm evenually will need to get a better covering for the boat.


I'm a hardcore recycling addict due to our global warming issues. I finally put my 10 tires that I had lying around for years near the gate in the backyard to good use. They were there to keep the dogs from getting out. I didn't have much luck with that but at least now the tires  have a new purpose.. I removed most of the leaves that I stuffed in between the fronds where the deck will be added on. Adding the leaves was really unnecessary. I got most if not all the leaves out the boat. The boat was sitting on it's cradle but I thought these tires made a nice temporary platform since the boat is actually lighter than I imagined it was. Now I'll be able to make the cradle more sturdy. It actually held up pretty well while the boat was siting on it.

Finally Moving Forward!

 Yesterday I finally took the boat out the backyard so I could start working on making a deck for her. What I worked on today was removing the stuffing I packed the boat with. The material, (frond leaves) that I stuffed the boat with was totally unnecessary because the model boat I made totally out of fronds floated extremely well. I was so happy that I finally made the model, after months of trying out different techniques. I went back to the basic fronds and wood glue to construct the model. I had two little helpers who assisted me in testing the model on a small pond. i was so elated that the model float as well as it did. I have to say I'm actually not behind schedule in the launch date for The Auset Fronds. Constructing the boat's deck is the fun part because there's so many things I plan to do to the boat in the completion of building her. I've even found a company that is going to assist me in the patent process. They were really impressed with what I'm doi...


I've  applied for a patent for the Egyptian Skiffy! I'm adding the crossbars to the Mobile Boat Cradle. I have the area all cleared where I'm placing the Auset Fronds. She's been laying on her back for months covered up. Now she's on her side again waiting to be moved out the backyard. I'll blog again showing photos of her on the Mobile Boat Cradle at her new location. Then I'll be getting the boat ready for her buoyancy test.