
Showing posts from April, 2018


I had to arrange Skulla all over again but the second time doing it was much easier. I'm not going to start working on it until the second stage of the Auset Frond project takes place. The second stage is testing the boat's bouyancy and balance while floating on the water. That's going to involve a lot because safety will become a factor while doing the test, which can involve the boat capsisizing. Hopefully she won't but never the less I have be well prepared just in cause it does happen.


I went ahead and brought the wheels for the mobile boat cradle. I have to say I'm really excited. I still have to process a few more fronds that's left over from the donation I received from a very generous business owner. It's not raining at the moment so I'm going to finish processing the few piles I have left to do. I processed a few fronds and an interested neighbor started asking me questions about if I was doing all the work she saw me doing alone. Well that concluded my processing anymore fronds for the rest of the day. The weather was cool and breezy, and I've had a scratchy throat all day. It has a lot to do with the constant changing of the weather. I'm going to process the rest of the fronds on Monday if the weather permits it.


I think these branches would make an excellent awning. Since I have so many of these brances, I'm going to experiment with different ideas. I think making an awning would add stability to each side of the boat when it's in the water. Right now it's all just a wonderful theory until the boat is in the water. I got everything down to an organized mess literally. I was able to separate the palm branches into smaller piles for when I start working on what I'm going to use them for. I have to say I got a lot accomplished in the past 3 days since the fronds, branches, palm fins and scraps were delivered to my house on Tuesday. 


This is Skulla! A design I'm working on. So far I actually like the results, even though I'm going to have to do quite a bit of brainstorming.

A Local Business Donation!

I was passing by some guys that were pruning palm trees and other trees located in the area. I asked one of the guys was it okay to take some of the fronds that were cut down. The guy said sure but wanted to know what I planned on using them for. I told him I was building a boat that's about 50% done. He told me to park my car in the nearby parking lot. I had to go get my car because I walked to the place where I was which is really a short distance. So I walked all the way back home and drove back to the location where the men were pruning the palm trees. To my surprise the business owner said they'd deliver all the fronds in the trailer to my house. I didn't expect anybody to donate a service to this project. I won't be picking up any more fronds for awhile. I sorted out the great mass of palm tree foiledge, then cleaned up the front yard. There are people out there who will support an endeavor and it's not always with money. When the time comes, There will...