
Showing posts from April, 2017

Beautiful Knot!

Tying know is a real skill when using knots to weave things together! I tied a X knot on many of the fronds.

Coming Together!

The boat is is solid! It easily supports my weight. I still have a lot of work to do on it. I intend to widen the boat, as well as add more fronds underneath the hull. I'm also going to add more depth to the bow (front) and the stern which will give the boat more strength as well as support.

Rush Hour!

I was going to use this for hull filler but I decided not to. Haste will just make bad craftsmanship. I decided to stick with what works. The filler  is now lawn waste pick up.

Far From Over!

This Is my hull filling piling up.

Finally Done!

It doesn't look like much, but it's quite a few of them. I'm just glad I finished processing them. They're actually pretty to look at. They can be used as ornaments for decor.

Moving Forward!

Work efficiency is highly needed when the amount of time spent doing a job is crucial in how fast it's done. There's a big difference between 30 seconds and 30 minutes doing the same task.

Side Tracked!

Today I didn't do any work on the boat. The little processing I did of some fronds didn't really amount to much. I have to really make sure that things don't get in the way of this project. It's not really a setback, just the allocation of time that was needed elsewhere. Tomorrow I will pick up where I left off today.

Nature's Defenses!

Can't handle these without work gloves. Minor work hazard. Handling these Fronds really hurt when stuck or scratched by them.

Small Enterprise!

I have enough Fronds to work with now! Some have to dry out and others have to be processed. 

Taking Shape!

She's beginning to look more and more like a boat everyday. I'm wondering if builders go through I can't believe I'm really doing this feeling? The boat no longer collapses on its side. I came up with a named her. I'm going to hold off revealing it until she's built and she actually floats.

Progress On The Underside!

I'm adding Fronds to the underside of the boat! I'm amazed how its coming together like it is.


In order to get these Fronds... I had to dig through this!

Baby's New Cradle!

It was time to make a make shift cradle for the boat.

New Word!

I learned a new word when I was at Home Depot yesterday. The part of the palm tree I'm using to construct the boat is called "Fronds." Wow! I'm actually thinking of naming the boat what it's made of!

A Work In Progress!

I did more work on the structure. It takes patience and consistency to see an idea to the end. Until next time when feeling discouraged, that's the time to put in some real effort.

Taking Off!

I'm really excited about my progress. I really accomplished a lot today. Tomorrow I'm going to even out both ends and then start working on giving the  hull a more uniform shape. I'll also begin to build up the sides of the boat! Until next time, do what comes naturally to you. It doesn't take much effort doing what you're good at.

Driven Obsession!

I made a hand trailer from an old shopping cart I had. I didn't get much use out of it because after using it twice the shopping cart fell apart. I'm probably going to add another wheel on the back of it. When I'm done tying more lose ends, I'm going to see if I can place the boat on the trailer.


This is where things are currently. It doesn't look like much at the moment.

The Beginning!

This is the beginning stages of my Egyptian Skiffy. She doesn't look like much now but I made some progress since this picture was taken.

The Process!

Today I got off to a good start. The Time I lost yesterday, having to free some storage space on my mobile device was very consuming and frustrating to say the least. Today I was typing some lose ends together. I'm beginning to see some form slowly taking shape. It's like the boat is giving birth to its own form and I'm the architect reading it's blueprint. I'm fascinated by the prospects of what I'm doing. Every so often I would slip into daydreaming and not be focusing on what I was doing. I would always catch myself thinking about what I was taught in DBT, which was to only focus on the thing you are doing. It's an exercise for minds that frequently drift away. It's called "being totally in  the moment." It's extremely helpful if your driving or doing any activity that you could put yourself or others at risk. I would love to dedicate a whole day to this project but between the heat and thunderstorms it wouldn't be possible. Until ne...

Getting Familiar!

I'm just trying out new things on my new blog. At some point I'd like to import posts from my old blog. The goal is to post videos of my boat building challenge. Everything is becoming mobile and just trying to figure out how to use the features on your mobile devices takes up a lot of your time when you'd rather be doing other things, such as building my boat and creating video logs of the steps I'm taking in building my first Egyptian Skiffy. Until next time, do what you love to do more and spend less time listening to all those voices telling you "you can't!"